03 When we started the Chattanooga Cruise In back in 2011, it was a great opportunity to open our doors and show local car folks the cool stuff in and around our facilities here in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It grew quickly, and now the Chattanooga Cruise In is the largest single-day cruise in event in the Southeast. We were absolutely blown away with the turnout at our most recent event, held on April 11th, from 10am to 4pm. Car count and spectator count estimations were tough to calculate because of the massive crowd, but our estimates are 2,000 cruise in cars, and approximately 15,000 spectators throughout the day. It was overwhelming for our staff, but at the end of the day, we knew it was another record-breaking day at our cruise in. Check out some of our favorite photos from the day, and be sure to check out our full gallery of photos on Facebook. 02 150411_TLB_0069 09 150411_TLB_0123 150411_TLB_0140 Coker-150422-CAC-Cruise-in-55 150411_TLB_0115 150411_TLB_0128 150411_TLB_0081 150411_TLB_0125 150411_TLB_0044_1 Coker-150422-CAC-Cruise-in-22 06 150411_TLB_0103 150411_TLB_0133 Coker-150422-CAC-Cruise-in-45 150411_TLB_0065 150411_TLB_0154 150411_TLB_0181 150411_TLB_0159 150411_TLB_0187 Coker-150422-CAC-Cruise-in-66